Happy Birthday To Me!

So, it’s official.  I’m 40 years old. A few days before my birthday someone asked me how it felt to turn 40. I took a deep breath and thought about it for a second. On one hand, turning 40 does feel a bit odd.  When I turned 30, I had been married for 6 months and living in New York City. Now, I’m a homeowner, married for 10 years and the mother of two daughters.

 On the other hand, I’m regularly told that I don’t look my age.  People look shocked when I divulge my age. It surprises me each time it happens because I can see myself aging when I look in the mirror. I don’t feel 40.  I feel 28 but only when I’m not with my children. When my girls are with me, I do feel older or like an impostor. Most times I cannot believe I’m a mother.
June 10th was my last day in my thirties. I took a yoga class led by a great teacher. She had taken a class that I was subbing at my gym, CAN DO, and she invited me to her class. I loved it. I made an appointment to get a tattoo.  Unfortunately, the artist was running behind schedule so after waiting an hour, I was told it would be best to return on Tuesday. I was a little bummed, but told myself everything happens for a reason.
Aside from people asking me how it felt to turn 40, I was also constantly asked Continue reading

Is It OK To Mix Yoga & Weights?

If you’ve been reading my blog, you know that I love yoga. I teach yoga to both children and adults. I also love other forms of exercise, such as The Bar Method. I have blogged about this obsession quite a few times! I enjoy taking classes at the gym, walks outside on sunny days. In fact, I’ve even run in a couple of 5ks.

One of my yoga teachers told me before she discovered yoga, she loved spin and was a spin teacher. Once she found yoga, she stopped. Now, this is just from my own perspective, but she seemed surprised to hear that I loved The Bar Method. In fact, at two different yoga classes, The Bar Method came up during class. One teacher said “Don’t do it!” Another time, a student brought up the fact that one of the asanas was similar to The Bar Method. At this class, the teacher wasn’t familiar with The Bar.

I will admit that at times, I felt bad or maybe guilty about the fact that I love classes like The Bar Method. I guess I feel that as a yoga teacher, it’s all that I should be doing. I’m not sure where that limited belief came into my consciousness, but it’s there.

The June 2012 issue of Yoga Journal has an article titled “Feel The Power.”  It’s a story on  Continue reading

Loving The Bar

So far, I’ve taken 3 classes at The Bar Method in Montclair in 4 days. I’ve also taken just as many yoga classes. I swear I already feel a difference. I haven’t checked out my body or gone on the scale but I feel a lot stronger. Yesterday one of my yoga classmates said that I have Angela Basset arms. I was shocked as I don’t feel my arms look that toned but I gladly accepted the compliment.

This morning, I took a class that was led by an acquaintance of mine, Ally. She’s been taking classes at the Bar for 4 years. She’s has 3 kids and looks like a rock star. She’s tall (which makes a big difference) and lean and toned. Plus she’s so nice and friendly. I have never seen her crazed or annoyed at her children. How the hell does she do that??

I thought it was interesting taking a class by someone I knew. She was incredible. I could really tell she had been taking classes for years as she knew her stuff and gave great instruction.

I’m heading back on Wednesday. Can’t wait to tuck, tuck, tuck.

I’m So Excited!!

A few weeks ago, a new Bar Method studio opened up not too far away from me.  It’s located in Montclair, New Jersey. I am loving my yoga training and all the yoga that I’ve been doing, but part of me misses and craves The Bar Method. Most of the yoga teachers I know seem to only practice yoga. I don’t think that will be the case for me. I love the Bar. I really, really, really love working out with weights. The Bar Method (low weight, high reps) truly transforms my body.

I also really, really, really  love vinyasa yoga. I think these two forms of exercise compliment each other. I do know one yoga teacher who loves The Bar just as much as I do so I know I’m not alone in this!

Anyway, I’m going to be taking some classes at the new studio starting this Friday. I am so excited!!! Call me crazy but I will be taking Bar classes and then yoga classes. On the same day. I can’t wait!

Search For Skinny

I’m not quite sure how it happened, but I managed to release those few pounds of winter weight that I could not seem to get rid of. OK, well, it did start with working out at the The Bar Method 4x a week for one month. And I’m sure the fact that I’m not eating meat has also contributed. Although, a few people told me, including my own doctor and a few nutritionists, that I would probably gain weight since I would be eating more carbs. I’m been eating more veggies and fruits by the way.

Or it could be the fact that I am immersed in my summer intensive yoga teacher training. But I really have not been exercising any more than usual. In fact, I feel like I’m exercising less ever since my membership at The Bar expired. I’ve been telling myself to start doing Tracy Anderson’s Mat dvd but I have not been able to get myself motivated!

But hey, I am not complaining. In addition to seeking different workouts, I am looking at new things to eat. When I came across this blog post by Snack Girl touting a way to “suppress your appetite without drugs” I was intrigued.  Continue reading

My Time Is Running Out At The Bar Method

I have one week left at The Bar Method. I’ve been going each week 4x a week. I am loving it. I am not missing the gym at all. I do miss yoga but I also know that I am going to be practicing yoga so much this summer that I’m ok with taking a break before I begin my summer intensive training next weekend.

One of my friends, M, asked to join me at a class. She said she had always wanted to check it out but was nervous to go alone. (Side note: I am so different. I love checking out new classes and studios alone.)

M joined me on class on Thursday. And Friday. Continue reading

Back To The Bar Method!

The other day I posted how one of my old obsessions, lululemon, has come back to my consciousness. Yesterday, someone I know emailed me and asked about The Bar Method. She said she’s looking for quick results and was seeking my opinion.

I went on and on about how much I love The Bar Method and how when I took 4 classes a week for one month, I saw significant body changes. And it wasn’t just me. Last summer, quite a few people commented on my physique. I haven’t kept up with it because I have a gym membership and I also practice yoga. There’s only so much I can do and afford.

However, Mother’s Day is coming up. My husband has been asking me what I want. I’ve been rather unhappy with my body recently because I put on some weight over the winter and I haven’t been able to release it. I’ve been feeling very frustrated, fat and ugly.

The timing could not be better. I am most likely going to start an intensive yoga teacher training program at the end of May. In the meantime, I can devote all my energy at The Bar.

I am so freaking excited but I’m also scared. It’s been so, so long since I have taken a class. I’m sure I will rebuild my momentum in no time, but I will have to keep reminding myself that it will take a few classes.

Let the transformation begin!!

Oh, PS, one of the best things is that my studio also sells lululemon. But please don’t tell my husband!

If You Read It, Do You Believe It?

I love magazines, specifically ones that focus on health and fitness (yeah, I know, shocker) and also celebs.  My dad gets me a subscription to People every Christmas. I love it. My neighbors love magazines just as much as I do. We rotate magazines with each other. It’s perfect.

I was just going through my latest stash. Kelly Osbourne is on the cover of this week’s Us Weekly. The headline screams “How I Keep It Off.”  Apparently ever since she appeared on Dancing With the Stars, she has lost a ton of weight. The real surprise is that she has managed to keep it off for the past year. She admits that there isn’t a secret. She said she has changed her diet and exercises. I was surprised to read that she is no longer a fan of The Bar Method. She was going 3x a week but I guess she could not maintain her schedule. Nevertheless, she admits to working out with a trainer.

According to the article, Kelly weighs 112 pounds. That is so thin.  She looks very thin. But she doesn’t seem to have much muscle tone. The issue also had other celebs who have lost a ton of weight, like Jennifer Hudson. She looks great! She’s doing Weight Watchers. Carrie Underwood was also featured.  I’m really curious about her. I’ve read in the past when she has said she gained a ton of weight while on American Idol. What did she look like before the show? Has she simply gone back to her pre- American Idol weight?

Trust me, I know this is all meaningless. But I can’t help but love all these before and afters. I know these photos are probably photoshopped and that these celebs have personal trainers, chefs, nannies, housekeepers at their beck and call. It’s just mindless reading and entertainment.

How Much Is Too Much?

It’s been over a month since I attended my last class at The Bar Method. I’ve been back at the gym taking various different classes such as Body Pump or Sculpting. I run on the treadmill. I’ve been doing some videos using my new Fluidity Bar. I’m definitely keeping active and moving. Sounds great, right? Why don’t I feel great?

There is something about the Bar workout that makes me feel amazing. I feel strong, lean and buff. I am not feeling this way at all. My husband tells me to do the videos more. Frankly, I hate freaking videos. I have a hard time keeping motivated. The classes are so much more fun and challenging. I am a class girl, The Bar Method, Hot Vinyasa Yoga, anything. I prefer working out in a group setting.

The draw for The Bar is the price. It costs $250 for a 30 day unlimited membership. 10 classes is $225. My gym membership is $70 a month. It’s usually $90 a month but there was a deal going on when I signed up. Plus, it includes childcare which has been a lifesaver this month since my children are home with me.

What should I do?  Does anyone have any advice? I would appreciate it. Thanks!

Lacking In Motivation

Can I blame the summer? I wasn’t expecting my summer to be this busy. I have been extremely busy writing articles and working on my health and fitness columns for Patch.com. I’ve also been working on other magazine assignments. And taking care of my kids. Going on vacation. (Visiting my inlaws, so don’t feel jealous).

Ever since my membership to The Bar Method ended (waaaaa), I haven’t been working out that much. The fact that I had to sign up to take classes in advance at The Bar kept me motivated.

Take my running. I have not felt motivated to run in, like, forever. I have run a few times, outside and on the treadmill, but the passion isn’t there. Or is it motivation? Or the heat? Or something else?