Take Your Pick: Mandy Ingber, Harley Pasternak, Tracy Anderson, or Jillian Michaels

I took an interesting quizon fitsugar.com. It was titled

Which Celebrity Personal Trainer Is For You?

It was easy for me to guess which questions applied to Tracy Anderson:

I’m worried about bulking up if I lift too many weights.

My favorite type of cardio is _________. Dancing

Which exercise would you rather do? 45 minutes of dance aerobics followed by strength training.

I decided to be honest with my answers. I got  Continue reading

Do Celebs Make A Difference?

I am not ashamed to admit that I love People Magazine.  My father has gotten me a subscription for Christmas every year for the past two years. I am also a huge fan of Perez Hilton. It’s no secret that people just love celebs.

But does that love translate to fitness videos? Do you think Tracy Anderson would be successful if she didn’t train Madonna or have Gwyneth Paltrow’s support? (By the way, do sign up for a free video at Tracy’s site.  She is also launching a few new videos. Even though I do HATE videos, I do love Tracy’s Mat one).

One new video that I am tempted to check out is Mandy Ingber’s Yoga Dvd, Yogalosophy. You have heard of her, right? Right???? She is Jennifer Aniston’s Yoga Instructor. Not only does the video promise an “amazing music soundtrack”, I am also allured by the two 30-minute routines. Does anyone own this video? I would love to hear reviews.